If you are in the view and want to retrieve the app name using Python ( the app name will be used for further logic ), how would you do it ?
You could do:
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
See How to get current application in Django and resolve()
EDIT: You can now use request.resolver_match.app_name which avoids resolving a second time and avoids an import. Do it this way:
- in python3/django2 it's from django.urls import resolve
. And both of your answers doesn't work. –
Polik resolver_match
isn't available in middleware –
Peyton __package__
__package__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
should be the easiest way. Second converts a.b.c
to c
returns 'project.app_name.folder' __package__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
returns 'folder' –
Protero Another way to do it is get the current object or use self. see bellow
This will return a list with the object name split up by the '.'
You can get application name from model: Book._meta.app_label
I've found in django/contrib/admin/widgets.py
class RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper(forms.Widget):
def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
from django.contrib.admin.views.main import IS_POPUP_VAR, TO_FIELD_VAR
rel_opts = self.rel.model._meta
info = (rel_opts.app_label, rel_opts.model_name)
so to sum up, If you're looking for the app_name
of where your code is written, then use this:
app_name = __package__
However, if you need the app_name
of where the object is being called (which might be in an app other than coding app), then use this:
import sys
from django.urls import resolve
app_name = sys.modules[resolve(request.path_info).func.__module__].__package__
maybe this can help you..
from django.core import urlresolvers
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.__class__)
url = urlresolvers.reverse("admin:%s_%s_change" % (content_type.app_label,
content_type.model), args=(self.id,))
url will return you all adress and you can parse it for your app and model...
This solution not very simple, but it works
import sys
You can use context processors. To create context processor for an app name do the following:
Say you have an app named myapp. Inside myapp directory create a context_processor.py
In context_processor.py define following method:
def get_common_context(request): return { 'app_name':'myapp' }
Add your context processor to TEMPLATES in settings.py
TEMPLATES = [ { ... 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ ... 'myapp.context_processor.get_common_context', ], }, }, ]
Access app_name in your template.
{{ app_name }}
Access app_name in your view using RequestContext
I believe the updated solution is view.__module__
. This returns your app_name
both from Django and Django Rest Framework.
My scenario was working with dynamically module
or app_name
from view call so that I can work with access permission check for that particular module.
maybe my option would work for someone:
### apps.py
from django.apps import AppConfig
class MyApp(AppConfig):
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
name = 'my_app'
### models.py
from .apps import MyApp
name = MyApp.name
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app_name = __package__.split('.')[0]
– Koralle