I have a jqGrid for internal use on our site that lists all our users. On each user/row, I would like to be able to apply various options (depending on the data in that row). Instead of adding navbuttons to the pager, it would make more sense to have a context menu that appears on right-click of a row.
We currently have this jQuery contextMenu plugin imported on our site, so it would be preferable to somehow integrate that into my jqGrid.
My jqGrid scaled down to basics looks something like this:
datatype: 'json',
url: 'myMethodURL',
gridview: true,
colModel: [
{name: 'id', label: 'User ID', hidden:true},
{name: 'lastname', label: 'Last Name'},
{name: 'firstname', label: 'First Name'},
{name: 'status', label: 'Status', stype: 'select', searchoptions: {value: ':All;ACTIVE:Active;INACTIVATED:Inactive;PENDING APPROVAL:Pending Approval;'}},
... more fields ...
sortname: 'lastname',
ignoreCase: true, // case-insensitive filtering
pager: '#pager',
jsonReader: {
root: "ROWS", //our data
page: "PAGE", //current page
total: "TOTAL", //total pages
records:"RECORDS", //total records
cell: "", //not used
id: "0" //will default first column as ID
postData: postData
$("#users").jqGrid("filterToolbar", {searchOnEnter: true});
Some of the options I need in the context menu:
- Activate OR Inactivate (depending on if user is currently active/inactive - basically need a toggle)
- Process pending user (should ONLY show up if user status is "pending")
- Edit user info
- Send reset password link
How can I set up a context menu with variable options (dependent on that particular row's values), and define what happens when an option is clicked?