I'm not sure why this is happening. I've seen the same issue online with little help out there to correct it.
When i run my query inside Access i get different values ranging from 0 - 10 but for some reason, it won't return that same value inside my code.
static int OrdersPerHour(string User)
int? OrdersPerHour = 0;
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(strAccessConn);
DateTime curTime = DateTime.Now;
string query = "SELECT COUNT(ControlNumber) FROM Log WHERE DateChanged > #" + curTime.AddHours(-1) + "# AND User = '" + User + "' AND Log.EndStatus in ('Needs Review', 'Check Search', 'Vision Delivery', 'CA Review', '1TSI To Be Delivered');";
OleDbCommand dbcommand = new OleDbCommand(query, conn);
dbcommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
dbcommand.CommandText = query;
OrdersPerHour = (int?)dbcommand.ExecuteScalar();
catch (OleDbException ex)
return OrdersPerHour.Value;
Try Catch Finally
? Is that just to ensure the connection is closed? You should have yourOleDbConnection
in ausing
statement. – Straus