The symfony framework features an app/console file that can be executed via php to perform some maintenance tasks. It allows users to run DQL queries as well:
# php app/console doctrine:query:dql --hydrate=array \
'SELECT, u.nameFirst, u.nameLast FROM DatabaseBundle:User u'
0 =>
'id' => string '1' (length=1)
'nameFirst' => string 'jaroslav' (length=8)
'nameLast' => string 'rakhmatoullin' (length=13)
1 =>
'id' => string '2' (length=1)
'nameFirst' => string 'Båb Kåre' (length=10)
'nameLast' => string 'Ytrefoss' (length=8)
Observe that I selected three specific columns. The problem I'm having is that a similar query gives me an error when two tables are joined.
# php app/console doctrine:query:dql --hydrate=array \
'SELECT , r FROM DatabaseBundle:User u JOIN u.roles r'
[Semantical Error] line 0, col -1 near 'SELECT ,':
Error: Cannot select entity through identification variables
without choosing at least one root entity alias.
The following returns the whole user joined with his roles:
# php app/console doctrine:query:dql --hydrate=array \
'SELECT u, r FROM DatabaseBundle:User u JOIN u.roles r'
Obviously, I'm missing something.
Any ideas? I would appreciate links to appropriate docs too (on this specific matter).
'SELECT , r.* FROM DatabaseBundle:User u JOIN u.roles r'
– Rising