I try to use select2 in dataInit
function directly as you do(the difference is I use ajax data source),it looks good but can't work correctly:
- the value can't sent to the server.
- select one row -> edit ,but the select2 not init with the old value.
At last, I gave up this method and try to use edittype:'custom'
hidden: true,
hidedlg: true, // the hidden model_id column
search: false, // used for offer id info to select2
custom_element: myselect2elem,
custom_value: myselect2value,
dataInit: myselect2init('180','chose model','search/servermodel','model_id','model'),
edithidden: true,
required: true,
I defined three functions:
- myselect2elem(value, options) // init a common element
- myselect2value(elem, operation, value) // get|set value of the element
- myselect2init(width,holder,url,opt,cel_name_id,cel_name) // init element use select2
function myselect2elem(value, options) {
var el = document.createElement("select");
el.value = value;
return el;
function myselect2value(elem, operation, value) {
if(operation === 'get') {
return $(elem).val();
} else if(operation === 'set') { // this doesn't work,
$(elem).value=value; // I don't know whether have side effect
function myselect2init(width,holder,url,cel_name_id,cel_name){
var option = {
width: width,
placeholder: holder,
ajax: {
url: url,
the other ajax configuration option that only selet2 used
return function(element) {
// do the init 'set' operation that previous function should do
selRowId = $(this).jqGrid ('getGridParam', 'selrow'),
celId = $(this).jqGrid ('getCell', selRowId, cel_name_id);
celValue = $(this).jqGrid ('getCell', selRowId, cel_name);
if (celValue){
var newOption = new Option(celValue, celId, true, true);
Thanks for your question about this, thanks the answer of @Oleg.
I want my answer can help other people