Using console.log
in this way displays the path and that's great, but what if you want to do something more meaningful with the paths? For example, maybe you want to collect all of them in an array and pass them off for processing elsewhere...
This process of beginning with a seed state and expanding a sequence of values while the state changes is called an unfold
const { join } =
require ('path')
const { readdirSync, statSync } =
require ('fs')
const unfold = (f, initState) =>
f ( (value, nextState) => [ value, ...unfold (f, nextState) ]
, () => []
, initState
const None =
Symbol ()
const relativePaths = (path = '.') =>
readdirSync (path) .map (p => join (path, p))
const traverseDir = (dir) =>
( (next, done, [ path = None, ]) =>
path === None
? done ()
: next ( path
, statSync (path) .isDirectory ()
? relativePaths (path) .concat (rest)
: rest
, relativePaths (dir)
console.log (traverseDir ('.'))
// [ a, a/1, a/1/1, a/2, a/2/1, a/2/2, b, b/1, ... ]
If this is your first time seeing a program like this, unfold
will feel very overwhelming. Below, is a simplified example of unfold
used to generate an array of the lowercase alphabet
const unfold = (f, init) =>
f ( (x, next) => [ x, ...unfold (f, next) ]
, () => []
, init
const nextLetter = c =>
String.fromCharCode (c.charCodeAt (0) + 1)
const alphabet =
( (next, done, c) =>
c > 'z'
? done ()
: next ( c // value to add to output
, nextLetter (c) // next state
, 'a' // initial state
console.log (alphabet)
// [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z ]
If you're still stuck, the techniques I've demonstrated here are explained in greater detail in answers to similar questions
Generally, it's preferred to use the asynchronous functions in the fs
module as this prevents the program from hanging in the event of long disk read times or network delay. Unfolding plays nicely with asynchrony as demonstrated in these other Q&A's
package for this. – Fredette