I use PhpStorm 6.0.2 and CakePHP 2.3.
In my controller file I define this and get autocomplete for my custom components:
* @property MysuperComponent $Mysuper
Regarding to this, in my view files I define this to reach Cake's core helpers and this works:
* @var $this View
I need autocomplete for custom helpers inside my views. I tried this but didn't work:
* @property Myelegant $MyelegantHelper
When I do this, this works partially:
* @var $Myelegant MyelegantHelper
I get this $Myelegant->
autocomplete. But it isn't adequate. I need autocomplete like this: $this->Myelegant->
Notes: Autocomplete successfully works for core helpers inside view (ctp) files. But not for custom helpers.