I am trying to evaluate a trained NER Model created using spacy lib. Normally for these kind of problems you can use f1 score (a ratio between precision and recall). I could not find in the documentation an accuracy function for a trained NER model.
I am not sure if it's correct but I am trying to do it with the following way(example) and using f1_score
from sklearn
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
import spacy
from spacy.gold import GoldParse
nlp = spacy.load("en") #load NER model
test_text = "my name is John" # text to test accuracy
doc_to_test = nlp(test_text) # transform the text to spacy doc format
# we create a golden doc where we know the tagged entity for the text to be tested
doc_gold_text= nlp.make_doc(test_text)
entity_offsets_of_gold_text = [(11, 15,"PERSON")]
gold = GoldParse(doc_gold_text, entities=entity_offsets_of_gold_text)
# bring the data in a format acceptable for sklearn f1 function
y_true = ["PERSON" if "PERSON" in x else 'O' for x in gold.ner]
y_predicted = [x.ent_type_ if x.ent_type_ !='' else 'O' for x in doc_to_test]
f1_score(y_true, y_predicted, average='macro')`[1]
> 1.0
Any thoughts are or insights are useful.