I'm trying to follow this tutorial.
When I'm adding .pdf
to my url it does nothing. My controller has:
respond_to :html, :pdf.
My mime type has been declared.
I tried this too:
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf {
html = render_to_string(:layout => false , :action => "www.google.fr")
kit = PDFKit.new(html)
send_data(kit.to_pdf, :filename => "candidats.pdf", :type => 'application/pdf')
return # to avoid double render call
but it does not work and I don't get errors. My browser keep waiting for localhost, but nothing happens.
So how should I try to use pdfkit ?
edit 2 :
According to my rails' logs, rails render successfully the HTML. I saw this in the .log, rails doesn't send it to webrick nor to my browser. And my browser keeps waiting, and waiting and nothing happen. I only have little pictures here.
edit 3 : My webrick server seem unable to respond to other request, once he starts getting a .pdf
version of my url, any ideas ?
edit 4 :
I am using rails 3.1, wkhtmltopdf 0.9.5 (windows installer) and pdfkit 0.5.2