I basically have an matrix of bytes. Each row (meaning byte[]) represents an image. How do I create a movie out of that (any format - avi, mpeg, whatever), and save it as a file? Each image can be one of the following:
int JPEG Encoded formats.
int NV16 YCbCr format, used for video.
int NV21 YCrCb format used for images, which uses the NV21 encoding format.
int RGB_565 RGB format used for pictures encoded as RGB_565.
int YUY2 YCbCr format used for images, which uses YUYV (YUY2) encoding format.
int YV12 Android YUV format: This format is exposed to software decoders and applications.
I can choose the format to whatever I like, as long as I get to create the movie.
public void createMovie(byte[][] images) {
// and ideas on what to write here?
I don't need the actual implementation, just let me know the idea and what external libraries I need (if I need any).
I also need to edit some of the images (the byte stream) before I create the movie (to add some text). How can I do that?
The solution needs to be "Java only"! No external programs, no external commands (but I can use external jars).
to accomplish your goal, and I can vouch that the examples in that answer work, as far as generating a video from an array of images. – Vela