I know it is possible to chain Mono's, for ex,...
Mono<String> resultAMono = loadA();
Mono<String> resultBMono = resultA.flatMap(resultA -> loadB());
This will chain and resultBMono will run when resultAMono returns....
So my question is, is it possible to start 2 Mono's in parallel and when both returns continue with another Mono?
I think it will look something like this...
Mono<String> resultAMono = loadA();
Mono<String> resuktBMono = loadB();
Mono<Tuple2<Stirng, String> tupleMono = Mono.zip(resultAMono, resultBMono);
but I have no idea this will run in Parallel or what can I do this to run in parallel...
Thx for answers....
hint! – Story