Though @Martin Kadlec's solid answers covers the question, I want to elaborate a bit more on the details and differences on takeEvery and takeLatest and when they might be used so you can derive the possible use-cases of them.
You can use takeEvery when the returns of all previous tasks are needed. For example fetching temperature and humidity data from a weatherstation over a certain period to be stored in a database and displayed as a graph - in this case all previous sagas and their return-values are of interset and not only the latest.
You can use takeLatest if i.E. a internal/external instance or a user of an interface could trigger multiple consecutive actions and only the conclusion of the last value is desireable. A good example would be rapid calls to a broker-API for a live-ticker for stock-values where only the latest/most recent value is of interest.
Think of takeEvery and takeLatest as helper funtions on top of the lower level API of redux-saga which are wrapping internal operations such as spawning tasks when specific actions are dispatched to the Store. Calling them spawns a saga on each action dispatched to the Store that matches pattern.
The most common takeEvery function is very similar to redux-thunk in its behaviour and methodology. It's basically a wrapper for yield take
of a pattern or channel and yield fork
The clue about takeEvery is that it allows multiple instances of a defined action/task (such as fetchSomeThing
in the example below) to be started concurrently/simultaniously.
Unlike takeLatest you can start a new fetchSomeThing
task while one or more previous instances of fetchSomeThing
have not yet been completed/terminated, therefore are still pending. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the tasks will terminate/complete in the same order they were started. To handle out of order responses, you could use takeLatest.
From the official docs:
takeEvery(pattern, saga, ...args)
Spawns a saga on each action dispatched to the Store that matches pattern.
: String | Array | Function
: Function - a Generator function
: Array - arguments to be passed to the started task. takeEvery will add the incoming action to the argument list (i.e. the action will be the last argument provided to saga)
You can also pass in a channel as argument instead of a pattern resulting in the same behaviour as takeEvery(pattern, saga, ...args).
The takeLatest helper function in contrast only gets the response of the latest request that was fired and can be seen as a wrapper for yield take
of a pattern or channel and an additional if-statement checking if a lastTask is present (a previous task that is still pending), which will then be terminated via a yield cancel
and a subsequent yield fork
that will spawn the current task/action.
From the official docs:
takeLatest(pattern, saga, ...args)
Will only get the response of the latest request fired.
: String | Array | Function
: Function - a Generator function
: Array - arguments to be passed to the started task. takeLatest will add the incoming action to the argument list (i.e. the action will be the last argument provided to saga)
Similar to takeEvery you can also pass in a channel as argument instead of a pattern.