windows batch file rename
Asked Answered



I have some file such as AAA_a001.jpg, BBB_a002.jpg, CCC_a003.jpg in Windows 7 and I'm trying to use batch to rename these file to a001_AAA.jpg, a002_BBB.jpg, a003_CCC.jpg.

Just to swap the content between _.

I have been searching for a while, but still don't know how to do this. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Logjam answered 23/12, 2012 at 17:42 Comment(0)
@echo off
pushd "pathToYourFolder" || exit /b
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d *_*.jpg') do (
  for /f "tokens=1* eol=_ delims=_" %%A in ("%%~nF") do ren "%%F" "%%~nB_%%A%%~xF"

Note: The name is split at the first occurrence of _. If a file is named "part1_part2_part3.jpg", then it will be renamed to "part2_part3_part1.jpg"

Amata answered 23/12, 2012 at 18:49 Comment(2)
still a minor problem: it swap ".jpg" too. Ex. part1_part2.jpg => part2.jpg_part1 OrzLogjam
@raphael0914 - ??? It works perfectly for me: part1_part2.jpg --> part2_part1.jpgAmata

Use REN Command

Ren is for rename

ren ( where the file is located ) ( the new name )


ren C:\Users\&username%\Desktop\aaa.txt bbb.txt

it will change aaa.txt to bbb.txt

Your code will be :

ren (file located)AAA_a001.jpg a001.AAA.jpg

ren (file located)BBB_a002.jpg a002.BBB.jpg

ren (file located)CCC_a003.jpg a003.CCC.jpg

and so on


Hope it helps :D

Carl answered 23/12, 2012 at 17:57 Comment(12)
just to swap the content between '_' Do you understand what the question is?Landscape
I know I should use ren to rename the file, but my problem is I don't know how to do those string manipulations OrzLogjam
Not really :/ Please use a good explanation of swap the content?Carl
There's a pattern that goes like PART1_PART2.EXT and OP wants to rename all files in a certain directory to PART2_PART1.EXT. I guess :PLandscape
I want to swap the content between '_', Ex: AAA_BBB.txt => BBB_AAA.txtLogjam
sorry for the confusing =PLogjam
I still dont understand... well at least i helped .. :(Carl
So thats mean you swapping the contect of File a to file b? is that the explanation?Carl
@Carl OP is trying to do exactly what you are doing but without having to write it for every filename in the folder he's on.Landscape
=="? and what is op i know op is operator ( in minecraft )Carl
@Carl Come on, stay! OP means original poster. Wait here a bit and you'll see a good answer coming, and you'll benefit as well.Landscape
If you try to run this in batch script you get the error The syntax of the command is incorrect.Amido
@echo off
pushd "pathToYourFolder" || exit /b
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d *_*.jpg') do (
  for /f "tokens=1* eol=_ delims=_" %%A in ("%%~nF") do ren "%%F" "%%~nB_%%A%%~xF"

Note: The name is split at the first occurrence of _. If a file is named "part1_part2_part3.jpg", then it will be renamed to "part2_part3_part1.jpg"

Amata answered 23/12, 2012 at 18:49 Comment(2)
still a minor problem: it swap ".jpg" too. Ex. part1_part2.jpg => part2.jpg_part1 OrzLogjam
@raphael0914 - ??? It works perfectly for me: part1_part2.jpg --> part2_part1.jpgAmata

as Itsproinc said, the REN command works!

but if your file path/name has spaces, use quotes " "


ren C:\Users\&username%\Desktop\my file.txt not my file.txt

add " "

ren "C:\Users\&username%\Desktop\my file.txt" "not my file.txt"

hope it helps

Armful answered 9/11, 2013 at 6:39 Comment(1)
Note to others ... this only works with backslashes and will throw an error with forward slashes "cannot find file"Futures

I am assuming you know the length of the part before the _ and after the underscore, as well as the extension. If you don't it might be more complex than a simple substring.

cd C:\path\to\the\files
for /f %%a IN ('dir /b *.jpg') do (
set p=%a:~0,3%
set q=%a:~4,4%
set b=%p_%q.jpg
ren %a %b

I just came up with this script, and I did not test it. Check out this and that for more info.

IF you want to assume you don't know the positions of the _ and the lengths and the extension, I think you could do something with for loops to check the index of the _, then the last index of the ., wrap it in a goto thing and make it work. If you're willing to go through that trouble, I'd suggest you use WindowsPowerShell (or Cygwin) at least (for your own sake) or install a more advanced scripting language (think Python/Perl) you'll get more support either way.

Landscape answered 23/12, 2012 at 18:50 Comment(0)

I rename in code

echo off

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for %%a in (*.txt) do (
    REM echo %%a
    set x=%%a
    set mes=!x:~17,3!

    if !mes!==JAN (
        set mes=01

    if !mes!==ENE (
        set mes=01

    if !mes!==FEB (
        set mes=02

    if !mes!==MAR (
        set mes=03

    if !mes!==APR (
        set mes=04

    if !mes!==MAY (
        set mes=05

    if !mes!==JUN (
        set mes=06

    if !mes!==JUL (
        set mes=07

    if !mes!==AUG (
        set mes=08

    if !mes!==SEP (
        set mes=09

    if !mes!==OCT (
        set mes=10

    if !mes!==NOV (
        set mes=11

    if !mes!==DEC (
        set mes=12

    ren %%a !x:~20,4!!mes!!x:~15,2!.txt 

    echo !x:~20,4!!mes!!x:~15,2!.txt 

Scrivenor answered 21/3, 2017 at 23:24 Comment(0)

The PowerShell way works for me and easier to understand and change. However, got errors like rename-item : Source and destination path must be different until I changed it a bit. To rename files of the folder only:

dir | Where-Object {$.Name -match 'replaceMe'} | Rename-Item -NewName { $.Name -replace 'replaceMe','myNewText' }

To rename files of the folder and sub folders recursively:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object {$.Name -match '.Core.'} | Rename-Item -NewName { $.Name -replace '.Core.','.Framework.' }

Burford answered 7/6, 2021 at 9:24 Comment(0)

You can try this one code:

echo off
cd D:\TEMP
for %%A IN (*.jpg) do (
 call :dothings "%%A"
cd D:\2
goto :eof

set A=%1
set P=%A:~1,12%
set Q=%A:~14,4%
set B="%Q% %P%.jpg"
ren %a% %b%
goto :eof

it will rename for example "Untitled-227 1965.jpg" to "1965 Untitled-227.jpg"

Rhoda answered 21/8, 2021 at 8:42 Comment(0)

You can do this with the free online tool Insert the "Rename File" operator between the read and write steps. Make sure to enable the "Use Regex" option. For the pattern, insert (?'part1'.*)_(?'part2'.*) to capture the first and the second part of the file name. Use ${part2}_${part1} as the replacement to switch the first with the second part of the file name.

Disclaimer: I'm the author of BatchEdit.

Anthropologist answered 11/5, 2024 at 21:16 Comment(0)

I found this solution via PowerShell :

dir | rename-item -NewName {$ -replace "replaceME","MyNewTxt"}

This will rename parts of all the files in the current folder.

Gonad answered 22/5, 2020 at 14:47 Comment(1)
there is something strange going on here, since this mangled the file names. Perhaps the -replace param takes in regex or somethingIgnatzia

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