Try this if you want to hide everything from log and avoid fabric throwing exceptions when command fails:
from __future__ import with_statement
from fabric.api import env,run,hide,settings
env.host_string = 'username@servernameorip'
env.key_filename = '/path/to/key.pem'
def exec_remote_cmd(cmd):
with hide('output','running','warnings'), settings(warn_only=True):
return run(cmd)
After that, you can check commands result as shown in this example:
cmd_list = ['ls', 'lss']
for cmd in cmd_list:
result = exec_remote_cmd(cmd)
if result.succeeded:
sys.stdout.write('\n* Command succeeded: '+cmd+'\n')
sys.stdout.write('\n* Command failed: '+cmd+'\n')
This will be the console output of the program (observe that there aren't log messages from fabric):
* Command succeeded: ls
Desktop espaiorgcats.sql Pictures Public Videos
Documents examples.desktop projectes scripts
Downloads Music prueba Templates
* Command failed: lss
/bin/bash: lss: command not found