1 and 2: How do I set recipients for UIActivityViewController in iOS 6?
Although both provided methods are a bit of a hack, especially the first one, it is possible.
3: it is possible to share different content on different services, but the number of items and their types should be the same (but it is not a limitation, really, as you can return nil for items you don't need on particular service). You have to create sharing items after the service was selected using UIActivityItemSource protocol
Code I use:
Show UIActivityViewController with the current controller as provider of all items (it should have in .h file):
const int numberOfSharedItems = 5;
- (IBAction)shareAction:(id)sender
NSMutableArray *shareItems = [NSMutableArray new];
while ([shareItems count] < numberOfSharedItems)
[shareItems addObject: self];
UIActivityViewController *shareController =
[[UIActivityViewController alloc]
// actual items are prepared by UIActivityItemSource protocol methods below
initWithActivityItems: shareItems
applicationActivities :nil];
shareController.excludedActivityTypes = @[UIActivityTypeMessage, UIActivityTypePrint, UIActivityTypeCopyToPasteboard, UIActivityTypeAssignToContact, UIActivityTypeSaveToCameraRoll];
[self presentViewController: shareController animated: YES completion: nil];
Make placeholders for items that will be shared:
-(id)activityViewControllerPlaceholderItem:(UIActivityViewController *)activityViewController
static UIActivityViewController *shareController;
static int itemNo;
if (shareController == activityViewController && itemNo < numberOfSharedItems - 1)
else {
itemNo = 0;
shareController = activityViewController;
switch (itemNo) {
case 0: return @""; // intro in email
case 1: return @""; // email text
case 2: return [NSURL new]; // link
case 3: return [UIImage new]; // picture
case 4: return @""; // extra text (via in twitter, signature in email)
default: return nil;
Make actual items that will be shared, differently for different services:
-(id)activityViewController:(UIActivityViewController *)activityViewController itemForActivityType:(NSString *)activityType
// the number of item to share
static UIActivityViewController *shareController;
static int itemNo;
if (shareController == activityViewController && itemNo < numberOfSharedItems - 1)
else {
itemNo = 0;
shareController = activityViewController;
NSString *shareText = [self shareText]; // whatever you fancy
NSURL *shareURL = [self shareURL];
// twitter
if ([activityType isEqualToString: UIActivityTypePostToTwitter])
switch (itemNo) {
case 0: return nil;
case 1: return shareText; // you can change text for twitter, I add $ to stock symbol inside shareText here, e.g. Hashtags can be added too
case 2: return shareURL;
case 3: return nil; // no picture
case 4: return @"via @YourApp";
default: return nil;
// email
else if ([activityType isEqualToString: UIActivityTypeMail])
switch (itemNo) {
case 0: return @"Hi!\r\n\r\nI used YourApp\r\n";
case 1: return shareText;
case 2: return shareURL;
case 3: return nil; // no picture
case 4: return [@"\r\nCheck it out.\r\n\r\nCheers\r\n" stringByAppendingString: [self userName]];
default: return nil;
else // Facebook or something else in the future
switch (itemNo) {
case 0: return nil;
case 1: return shareText;
case 2: return shareURL;
case 3: return [self shareImage];
case 4: return nil;
default: return nil;