Accepted answer is obsolete as redis-py recommends you to use the non-blocking get_message()
. But it also provides a way to easily use threads.
There are three different strategies for reading messages.
Behind the scenes, get_message() uses the system’s ‘select’ module to quickly poll the connection’s socket. If there’s data available to be read, get_message() will read it, format the message and return it or pass it to a message handler. If there’s no data to be read, get_message() will immediately return None. This makes it trivial to integrate into an existing event loop inside your application.
while True:
message = p.get_message()
if message:
# do something with the message
time.sleep(0.001) # be nice to the system :)
Older versions of redis-py only read messages with pubsub.listen(). listen() is a generator that blocks until a message is available. If your application doesn’t need to do anything else but receive and act on messages received from redis, listen() is an easy way to get up an running.
for message in p.listen():
# do something with the message
The third option runs an event loop in a separate thread. pubsub.run_in_thread() creates a new thread and starts the event loop. The thread object is returned to the caller of run_in_thread(). The caller can use the thread.stop() method to shut down the event loop and thread. Behind the scenes, this is simply a wrapper around get_message() that runs in a separate thread, essentially creating a tiny non-blocking event loop for you. run_in_thread() takes an optional sleep_time argument. If specified, the event loop will call time.sleep() with the value in each iteration of the loop.
Note: Since we’re running in a separate thread, there’s no way to handle messages that aren’t automatically handled with registered message handlers. Therefore, redis-py prevents you from calling run_in_thread() if you’re subscribed to patterns or channels that don’t have message handlers attached.
p.subscribe(**{'my-channel': my_handler})
thread = p.run_in_thread(sleep_time=0.001)
# the event loop is now running in the background processing messages
# when it's time to shut it down...
So to answer you question, just check get_message when you want to know if a message has arrived.