The path from SBT to Scala-IDE is well described in many places:
- Start with an SBT project
- Add the SBT plugin definition: addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1")
- Run the 'eclipse' command from within SBT
- Open Eclipse with an installed Scala-IDE add-on
- Import the project
What is the reverse for this? If I start a new project in Scala-IDE, can I just add a build.sbt file and somehow tell Eclipse to use this when running the application?
Apologies if this seems obvious to some, but I've recently moved from ItelliJ Idea to Scala-IDE and I'm not certain about setting up Scala-IDE to use SBT and my sbt config files.