Let's try to solve a simple problem using if_/3
; for example, I will try to partition a list (sorted on a predicate p/2
) in two lists: a prefix in which, for every element X
, we have p(X, true)
, and a rest (in which, if the list was sorted on p/2
, we would have p(X, false)
I will use the library reif
as here. So, here is the complete code of my program:
:- use_module(reif).
pred_prefix(Pred_1, List, L_true, L_false) :-
pred_prefix_aux(List, Pred_1, L_true, L_false).
pred_prefix_aux([], _, [], []).
pred_prefix_aux([X|Xs], Pred_1, True, False) :-
if_( call(Pred_1, X),
( True = [X|True0],
pred_prefix_aux(Xs, Pred_1, True0, False)
( True = [],
False = [X|Xs]
The predicate passed to this meta-predicate will take two arguments: the first is the current list element, and the second will be either true
or false
. Ideally, this predicate will always succeed and not leave behind choice points.
In the first argument of if_/2
, the predicate is evaluated with the current list element; the second argument is what happens when true
; the third argument is what happens when false
With this, I can split a list in leading a
s and a rest:
?- pred_prefix([X, B]>>(=(a, X, B)), [a,a,b], T, F).
T = [a, a],
F = [b].
?- pred_prefix([X, B]>>(=(a, X, B)), [b,c,d], T, F).
T = [],
F = [b, c, d].
?- pred_prefix([X, B]>>(=(a, X, B)), [b,a], T, F).
T = [],
F = [b, a].
?- pred_prefix([X, B]>>(=(a, X, B)), List, T, F).
List = T, T = F, F = [] ;
List = T, T = [a],
F = [] ;
List = T, T = [a, a],
F = [] ;
List = T, T = [a, a, a],
F = [] .
How can you get rid of leading 0's for example:
?- pred_prefix([X, B]>>(=(0, X, B)), [0,0,1,2,0,3], _, F).
F = [1, 2, 0, 3].
Of course, this could have been written much simpler:
drop_leading_zeros([], []).
drop_leading_zeros([X|Xs], Rest) :-
if_(=(0, X), drop_leading_zeros(Xs, Rest), [X|Xs] = Rest).
Here I have just removed all unnecessary arguments.
If you would have to do this without if_/3
, you would have had to write:
drop_leading_zeros_a([], []).
drop_leading_zeros_a([X|Xs], Rest) :-
=(0, X, T),
( T == true -> drop_leading_zeros_a(Xs, Rest)
; T == false -> [X|Xs] = Rest
Here, we assume that =/3
will indeed always succeed without choice points and the T
will always be either true
or false
And, if we didn't have =/3
either, you'd write:
drop_leading_zeros_full([], []).
drop_leading_zeros_full([X|Xs], Rest) :-
( X == 0 -> T = true
; X \= 0 -> T = false
; T = true, X = 0
; T = false, dif(0, X)
( T == true -> drop_leading_zeros_full(Xs, Rest)
; T == false -> [X|Xs] = Rest
which is not ideal. But now at least you can see for yourself, in one single place, what is actually going on.
PS: Please read the code and the top level interaction carefully.
("reification"), otherwise an error is thrown. – Science=/3
, right belowif_/3
, from your own link, where you see what it takes to write a predicate that plays along nicely withif_/3
. – Scienceis_a/2
. – Ritch_0
for variables that describge goals,_1
for variables that need an argument to have a goal &ct – Ritch