As a fairly new objective-c programmer (with a 4 years Java experience), I seem to be having a hard time understanding when to use class extensions. From what I understood (and please, correct me if I'm wrong), the main difference between categories and extensions is that the extension expects you to implement the methods inside your main implementation, whereas with a category, it can be in another implementation. It also seems that people are using extensions mainly for private methods.
Here's my first question. What's the difference between using a class extension to declare a private method, and not declare it at all (it seems to compile in run in both cases)? (example 1 vs 2)
Example 1
@interface Class()
-(void) bar;
@implementation Class
-(void) foo {
[self bar];
-(void) bar {
Example 2
@implementation Class
-(void) foo {
[self bar];
-(void) bar {
Second question: What's the difference between declaring ivars inside the extension and declaring it directly inside the implementation? (Exemple 3 vs 4)
Example 3
@interface Class() {
NSArray *mySortedArray;
@implementation Class
Example 4
@implementation Class
NSArray *mySortedArray;
I have a last question about coding conventions: when should I put an underscore (_) in front of a variable's name?
Thank you