I am trying to build a PDF file out of a binary stream which I receive as a response from an Ajax request.
Via XmlHttpRequest
I receive the following data:
....hole data representing the file
%% EOF
What I tried so far was to embed my data via data:uri
. Now, there's nothing wrong with it and it works fine. Unfortunately, it does not work in IE9 and Firefox. A possible reason may be that FF and IE9 have their problems with this usage of the data-uri
Now, I'm looking for any solution that works for all browsers. Here's my code:
// responseText encoding
pdfText = $.base64.decode($.trim(pdfText));
// Now pdfText contains %PDF-1.4 ...... data...... %%EOF
var winlogicalname = "detailPDF";
var winparams = 'dependent=yes,locationbar=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,'+
var htmlText = '<embed width=100% height=100%'
+ ' type="application/pdf"'
+ ' src="data:application/pdf,'
+ escape(pdfText)
+ '"></embed>';
// Open PDF in new browser window
var detailWindow = window.open ("", winlogicalname, winparams);
As I have said, it works fine with Opera and Chrome (Safari hasn't been tested). Using IE or FF will bring up a blank new window.
Is there any solution like building a PDF file on a file system in order to let the user download it? I need the solution that works in all browsers, at least in IE, FF, Opera, Chrome and Safari.
I have no permission to edit the web-service implementation. So it had to be a solution at client-side. Any ideas?