If you want your entire application to be served over https then since Rails 4.0 the best way to do this is to enable force_ssl
in the configuration file like so:
# config/environments/production.rb
Rails.application.configure do
# [..]
# Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security,
# and use secure cookies.
config.force_ssl = true
By default this option is already present in config/environments/production.rb
in in newly generated apps, but is commented out.
As the comment says, this will not just redirect to https, but also sets the Strict-Transport-Security
header (HSTS) and makes sure that the secure flag is set on all cookies. Both measures increase the security of your application without significant drawbacks. It uses ActionDispatch:SSL
The HSTS expire settings are set to a year by default and doesn't include subdomains, which is probably fine for most applications. You can configure this with the hsts
config.hsts = {
expires: 1.month.to_i,
subdomains: false,
If you're running Rails 3 (>=3.1) or don't want to use https for the entire application, then you can use the force_ssl
method in a controller:
class SecureController < ApplicationController
That's all. You can set it per controller, or in your ApplicationController
. You can force https conditionally using the familiar if
or unless
options; for example:
# Only when we're not in development or tests
force_ssl unless: -> { Rails.env.in? ['development', 'test'] }