I want to add a button upload to my dropzone file uploader. currently it's uploading the file directly after selecting or dragging the file into the dropzone area. What I want to do is: 1. Select or drap file to be uploaded. 2. Validate 3. Hit or press the button upload to upload the file.
N.B: File is only being uploaded after pressing the button upload.
Here is my form
<form id='frmTarget' name='dropzone' action='upload_files.php' class='dropzone'>
<div class='fallback'>
<input name='file' type='file' multiple />
<input id='refCampaignID' name='refCampaignID' type='hidden' value=\ "$rowCampaign->CampaignID\" />
Here is my JS
Dropzone.options.frmTarget =
url: 'upload_files.php',
paramName: 'file',
clickable: true,
maxFilesize: 5,
uploadMultiple: true,
maxFiles: 2,
addRemoveLinks: true,
acceptedFiles: '.png,.jpg,.pdf',
dictDefaultMessage: 'Upload your files here',
success: function(file, response)
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
Here is my php post request
foreach ($_FILES["file"] as $key => $arrDetail)
foreach ($arrDetail as $index => $detail) {
$targetDir = "project_images/";
$fileName = $_FILES["file"]['name'][$index];
$targetFile = $targetDir.$fileName;
$db = new ZoriDatabase("tblTarget", $_REQUEST["TargetID"], null, 0);
$db->Fields["refCampaignID"] = $_REQUEST["refCampaignID"];
$db->Fields["strPicture"] = $fileName;
$db->Fields["blnActive"] = 1;
$db->Fields["strLastUser"] = $_SESSION[USER]->USERNAME;
$result = $db->Save();
if($result->Error == 1){
return "Details not saved.";
return "Details saved.";
return "File not uploaded.";