As I was reading comments and answers I thought I should clarify something about fetchone
and Server-side cursors for future readers.
With normal cursors (client-side), Psycopg
fetches all the records returned by the backend, transferring them to the client process. The whole records are buffered in the client's memory. It is when you execute a query like curs.execute('SELECT * FROM ...'
This question also confirms that.
All the fetch*
methods are there for accessing this stored data.
Q: So how fetchone
can help us memory wise ?
A: It fetches only one record from the stored data and creates a single Python object and hands you in your Python code while fetchall
will fetch and create n Python objects from this data and hands it to you all in one chunk.
So If your table has 1,000,000 records, this is what's going on in memory:
curs.execute --> whole 1,000,000 result set + fetchone --> 1 Python object
curs.execute --> whole 1,000,000 result set + fetchall --> 1,000,000 Python objects
Of-course fetchone
helped but still we have the whole records in memory. This is where Server-side cursors comes into play:
PostgreSQL also has its own concept of cursor (sometimes also called
portal). When a database cursor is created, the query is not
necessarily completely processed: the server might be able to produce
results only as they are needed. Only the results requested are
transmitted to the client: if the query result is very large but the
client only needs the first few records it is possible to transmit
only them.
their interface is the same, but behind the scene they
send commands to control the state of the cursor on the server (for
instance when fetching new records or when moving using scroll()).
So you won't get the whole result set in one chunk.
The draw-back :
The downside is that the server needs to keep track of the partially
processed results, so it uses more memory and resources on the server.