You aren't asking for a count of the number of unique patterns up to translation and rotation, but for a congruence test.
Choose a bit string representation of the 3x3 grid. I'll choose row-by-row, top down. By setting a bit where its corresponding hole is punched, we can now map 9-bit integers to punch patterns (and vice-versa.)
For any particular representation, we can contrive bit-fiddling operations representing rotations and translations. Some translations are illegal to perform on some patterns, as we wish to avoid "wrapping around".
Just as rotations and translations are reversible, so will our operations be. If two motions map pattern A to B, and then B to C, we can certainly compose the motions to make a transformation taking A to C. Doing nothing (the identity transform) is also legal, so we can reach A from A. Reachability by transformation is therefore an equivalence relation on punch patterns, and so equivalent patterns partition the space.
Having a means of assigning a positive integer score to each punch pattern, we can invoke the well-ordered principle: the equivalence class containing the pattern will contain a unique pattern (including translations and rotations) of least score. We'll choose this least pattern to be a representative of the equivalence class. If two patterns have the same equivalence class representative, they are necessarily congruent. If they do not, they are necessarily not congruent.
Given a pattern, how do we find its least-weight representative? By inspection, greedy algorithms aren't guaranteed to work. We can reach for one of umpteen heuristic optimization algorithms, or we can note we're only pushing 9 bits around and exhaustively search the space. It should be noted that by the same token this lends itself nicely to being computed once, and shoved in a lookup table forever after.
Here's the exhaustive search. Note with proper caching it is still quite fast (less than a second.)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'set'
class PunchPattern < String
@@representatives = do |h, k|
equivalence_class = k.closure
representative = equivalence_class.min
k.closure.each do |node|
h[node] = representative
def initialize(s)
raise "9 digits of 0 and 1, pls" unless s =~ /[01]{9}/
def left
return nil unless self =~ /0..0..0../[self[1...3], 0, self[4...6], 0, self[7...9], 0].join)
def right
return nil unless self =~ /..0..0..0/[0, self[0...2], 0, self[3...5], 0, self[6...8]].join)
def up
return nil unless self =~ /000....../[self[3...9], 0, 0, 0].join)
def down
return nil unless self =~ /......000/[0, 0, 0, self[0...6]].join)
def turn[2, 5, 8, 1, 4, 7, 0, 3, 6].collect { |i| self[i].chr }.join)
def closure
seen =[])
frontier =[self])
until frontier.empty?
node = frontier.first
%w{left right up down turn}.collect do |motion|
node.send motion
end.compact.each do |neighbor|
frontier.add(neighbor) unless seen.include? neighbor
def representative
def self.representatives
(0...512).collect do |p|
p =, '0'))
[p.representative, p]
end.inject( { |h, k| h[k] = [] }) do |h, pair|
h[pair.first] << pair.last
end.sort_by { |pair| pair.first }.each do |representative, patterns|
puts patterns.collect { |p| p[0...3] + " " }.join
puts patterns.collect { |p| p[3...6] + " " }.join
puts patterns.collect { |p| p[6...9] + " " }.join
puts "#{PunchPattern.representatives.values.uniq.size} total congruence classes"
$ ./congruence.rb
000 000 000 000 000 000 001 010 100
000 000 000 001 010 100 000 000 000
001 010 100 000 000 000 000 000 000
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 010 011 100 110
000 000 001 010 011 100 110 001 010 000 100 000
011 110 001 010 000 100 000 000 000 000 000 000
000 000 001 010 100 101
000 101 000 000 000 000
101 000 001 010 100 000
000 000 001 010 100 111
000 111 001 010 100 000
111 000 001 010 100 000
000 000 000 000 001 010 010 100
001 010 010 100 010 001 100 010
010 001 100 010 000 000 000 000
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 010 010 011 011 100 110 110
001 010 010 011 011 100 110 110 011 011 110 001 010 110 010 100
011 011 110 001 010 110 010 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
000 001 010 100
001 100 000 000
100 000 001 010
000 000 001 010 011 100 101 110
001 101 101 000 000 000 100 000
101 100 000 011 001 110 000 010
000 000 001 010 010 011 100 100
001 011 110 001 010 100 010 100
110 100 000 001 001 000 010 010
000 000 001 010 011 100 110 111
001 111 111 010 001 100 010 100
111 100 000 011 001 110 010 000
000 000 001 010 010 010 100 101
010 101 010 001 100 101 010 010
101 010 001 010 010 000 100 000
000 000 001 010 010 010 100 111
010 111 011 011 110 111 110 010
111 010 001 010 010 000 100 000
000 000 011 110
011 110 011 110
011 110 000 000
000 000 010 011 011 100 101 110
011 101 001 010 101 010 110 100
101 110 011 001 000 110 000 010
000 010 011 100
011 011 110 110
110 001 000 010
000 000 010 011 011 100 110 111
011 111 011 011 111 110 110 110
111 110 011 001 000 110 010 000
000 001 010 100
100 000 000 001
001 010 100 000
000 000 001 001 010 010 100 110
100 110 001 010 010 100 011 001
011 001 010 010 100 100 000 000
000 000 001 010 011 100 101 110
100 101 000 000 000 101 001 000
101 001 011 110 010 000 000 100
000 000 001 010 011 100 110 111
100 111 001 010 010 111 100 001
111 001 011 110 010 000 100 000
000 000 001 010 011 101 110 110
101 110 010 100 001 011 010 101
011 101 011 110 010 000 100 000
000 011 101 110
101 000 101 000
101 011 000 110
000 000 011 011 101 110 110 111
101 111 001 010 111 010 100 101
111 101 011 011 000 110 110 000
000 001 010 110
110 011 110 011
011 010 100 000
000 000 001 010 011 110 110 111
110 111 011 110 011 110 111 011
111 011 011 110 010 100 000 000
000 011 110 111
111 011 110 111
111 011 110 000
001 100
000 000
100 001
001 100 101 101
000 000 000 000
101 101 001 100
001 011 100 100
000 000 001 100
110 100 001 001
001 100 101 111
000 100 001 000
111 101 001 100
001 001 100 110
001 100 000 000
100 100 011 001
001 100 101 111
001 000 100 000
101 111 100 001
001 011 100 110
001 100 100 001
110 100 011 001
001 100 111 111
001 100 001 100
111 111 001 100
001 100
010 010
100 001
001 100 101 101
010 010 010 010
101 101 001 100
001 011 100 100
010 010 011 110
110 100 001 001
001 100 101 111
010 110 011 010
111 101 001 100
001 001 100 110
011 110 010 010
100 100 011 001
001 100 101 111
011 010 110 010
101 111 100 001
001 011 100 110
011 110 110 011
110 100 011 001
001 100 111 111
011 110 011 110
111 111 001 100
001 010 100 101
100 000 001 000
001 101 100 010
001 010 010 100
100 001 100 001
010 100 001 010
001 010 101 110
100 100 001 001
011 101 010 100
001 101 101 110
100 000 001 000
101 011 100 101
001 011 100 110
100 001 001 100
110 100 011 001
001 101 110 111
100 001 100 001
111 011 101 100
001 010 100 111
101 000 101 000
001 111 100 010
001 010 010 110
101 100 101 001
010 011 100 010
001 010 110 111
101 100 101 001
011 111 100 010
001 110
101 000
100 011
001 101 110 111
101 101 000 000
101 100 111 011
001 011 110 110
101 101 001 100
110 100 011 011
001 110 111 111
101 100 001 101
111 111 011 100
001 010 100 101
110 010 011 010
001 101 100 010
001 010 010 100
110 011 110 011
010 100 001 010
001 010 101 110
110 110 011 011
011 101 010 100
001 101 101 110
110 010 011 010
101 011 100 101
001 011 100 110
110 011 011 110
110 100 011 001
001 101 110 111
110 011 110 011
111 011 101 100
001 010 100 111
111 010 111 010
001 111 100 010
001 010 010 110
111 110 111 011
010 011 100 010
001 010 110 111
111 110 111 011
011 111 100 010
001 110
111 010
100 011
001 101 110 111
111 111 010 010
101 100 111 011
001 011 110 110
111 111 011 110
110 100 011 011
001 110 111 111
111 110 011 111
111 111 011 100
010 011 100 101
001 100 001 100
101 001 110 010
010 010 011 100
001 101 100 101
110 001 010 010
010 011 100 111
001 101 101 100
111 001 110 010
010 011 100 101
011 110 011 110
101 001 110 010
010 010 011 100
011 111 110 111
110 001 010 010
010 011 100 111
011 111 111 110
111 001 110 010
010 010 011 110
101 101 101 101
011 110 010 010
010 011 101 110
101 100 101 001
101 011 010 110
010 011 110 111
101 101 101 101
111 011 110 010
010 010 011 110
111 111 111 111
011 110 010 010
010 011 101 110
111 110 111 011
101 011 010 110
010 011 110 111
111 111 111 111
111 011 110 010
011 100 101 101
000 001 000 100
101 101 110 001
011 100
000 101
110 001
011 100 101 111
000 101 101 000
111 101 001 110
011 100 101 111
001 001 100 100
101 111 110 001
011 011 100 110
001 100 101 101
110 110 011 001
011 100 111 111
001 101 100 101
111 111 110 001
011 100 101 101
010 011 010 110
101 101 110 001
011 100
010 111
110 001
011 100 101 111
010 111 111 010
111 101 001 110
011 100 101 111
011 011 110 110
101 111 110 001
011 011 100 110
011 110 111 111
110 110 011 001
011 100 111 111
011 111 110 111
111 111 110 001
011 101 101 110
100 001 100 001
101 110 011 101
011 101 110 111
100 101 101 001
111 011 101 110
011 101 110 111
101 101 001 100
101 110 111 011
011 110
101 101
110 011
011 110 111 111
101 101 101 101
111 111 011 110
011 101 101 110
110 011 110 011
101 110 011 101
011 101 110 111
110 111 111 011
111 011 101 110
011 101 110 111
111 111 011 110
101 110 111 011
011 110
111 111
110 011
011 110 111 111
111 111 111 111
111 111 011 110
101 101 101 111
000 001 100 000
111 101 101 101
101 101 111 111
001 100 001 100
111 111 101 101
101 101 101 111
010 011 110 010
111 101 101 101
101 101 111 111
011 110 011 110
111 111 101 101
101 111
101 000
101 111
101 111 111 111
101 001 100 101
111 111 111 101
101 111
111 010
101 111
101 111 111 111
111 011 110 111
111 111 111 101
117 total congruence classes
..for 117 classes.