You can enter a upper first letter, then a property name, then a lower first letter. Try this snippet:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0" xmlns="">
<Title>Notifiable Property</Title>
<Author>Nikolay Makhonin</Author>
<Description>Property With in Built Property Changed method implementation.</Description>
<ToolTip>The owning class of this Property.</ToolTip>
<Code Language="CSharp">
<![CDATA[#region $P$$roperty$
private Field<$Type$> _$p$$roperty$;
public static readonly string $P$$roperty$PropertyName = GetPropertyName(() => (($Ownerclass$)null).$P$$roperty$);
public $Type$ $P$$roperty$
get { return _$p$$roperty$; }
set { Set(ref _$p$$roperty$, value); }