I wrote a snippet that emulate the EventListener interface and the ie8 one, is callable even on plain objects:
this is a way for emulate addEventListener or attachEvent on browsers that don't support one of those
hope will help
(function (w,d) { //
nc = "", nu = "", nr = "", t,
a = "addEventListener",
n = a in w,
c = (nc = "Event")+(n?(nc+= "", "Listener") : (nc+="Listener","") ),
u = n?(nu = "attach", "add"):(nu = "add","attach"),
r = n?(nr = "detach","remove"):(nr = "remove","detach")
* the evtf function, when invoked, return "attach" or "detach" "Event" functions if we are on a new browser, otherwise add "add" or "remove" "EventListener"
function evtf(whoe){return function(evnt,func,capt){return this[whoe]((n?((t = evnt.split("on"))[1] || t[0]) : ("on"+evnt)),func, (!n && capt? (whoe.indexOf("detach") < 0 ? this.setCapture() : this.removeCapture() ) : capt ))}}
w[nu + nc] = Element.prototype[nu + nc] = document[nu + nc] = evtf(u+c) // (add | attach)Event[Listener]
w[nr + nc] = Element.prototype[nr + nc] = document[nr + nc] = evtf(r+c) // (remove | detach)Event[Listener]
})(window, document)
if(element.addEventListener) {/*supported*/} else {/*not supported*/}
is effective in all browsers and is independent of the implementation. – Serranid