I am trying to detect my db at heroku terminal like this:
myapp@ubuntu:~/RubymineProjects/myapp$ heroku pg:info
The plugin heroku-sql-console has been deprecated. Would you like to remove it? (y/N) n
Plan: Dev
Status: available
Connections: 1
PG Version: 9.1.6
Created: 2012-10-10 19:59 UTC
Data Size: 9.1 MB
Tables: 32
Rows: 2802/10000 (In compliance)
Fork/Follow: Unsupported
So, I tried:
myapp@ubuntu:~/RubymineProjects/myapp$ heroku pg:psql
The plugin heroku-sql-console has been deprecated. Would you like to remove it? (y/N) n
psql (9.1.7, server 9.1.6)
SSL connection (cipher: **-**-****-**, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.
I need to list all users records:
dbfjinfaes61gb=> select * from users
But above, nothing happened, what I am missing here?
at the end of the query – Wadi