In C#, with LINQ, if I have en enumeration enumerable
, I can do:
// a: Does the enumerable contain an item that satisfies the lambda?
bool contains = enumerable.Any(lambda);
// b: How many items satisfy the lambda?
int count = enumerable.Count(lambda);
// c: Return an enumerable that contains only distinct elements according to my custom comparer
var distinct = enumerable.Distinct(comparer);
// d: Return the first element that satisfies the lambda, or throws an exception if none
var element = enumerable.First(lambda);
// e: Returns an enumerable containing all the elements except those
// that are also in 'other', equality being defined by my comparer
var except = enumerable.Except(other, comparer);
I hear that Python has a more concise syntax than C# (and is therefore more productive), so how do I achieve the same with an iterable in Python, with the same amount of code, or less?
Note: I don't want to materialize the iterable into a list if I don't have to (Any
, Count
, First