I have an application - more like a utility - that sits in a corner and updates two different databases periodically.
It is a little standalone app that has been built with a Spring Application Context. The context has two Hibernate Session Factories configured in it, in turn using Commons DBCP data sources configured in Spring.
Currently there is no transaction management, but I would like to add some. The update to one database depends on a successful update to the other.
The app does not sit in a Java EE container - it is bootstrapped by a static launcher class called from a shell script. The launcher class instantiates the Application Context and then invokes a method on one of its beans.
What is the 'best' way to put transactionality around the database updates?
I will leave the definition of 'best' to you, but I think it should be some function of 'easy to set up', 'easy to configure', 'inexpensive', and 'easy to package and redistribute'. Naturally FOSS would be good.