I want to use criteria to make the following query. I have an Entity with EmbeddedId defined:
public class Interfase implements Serializable {
private InterfaseId id;
public class InterfaseId implements Serializable {
private String clase;
And the criteria query that i am trying to do is:
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = this.entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Interfase> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Interfase.class);
Root<Interfase> entity = criteriaQuery.from(Interfase.class);
criteriaBuilder.equal(entity.get("clase"), "Clase"),
But this is throwing an IllegalArgumentException:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not an managed type: class InterfaseId
i've tried with this queries too:
Root<Interfase> entity = criteriaQuery.from(Interfase.class);
criteriaBuilder.equal(entity.get("id").get("clase"), "Clase"),
and this one too...
Root<Interfase> entity = criteriaQuery.from(Interfase.class);
criteriaBuilder.equal(entity.get("id.clase", "Clase"),
with no luck. So my question is how can i make a query with criteria when my classes are using Embedded and EmbeddedId annotations?
Thanks!. Mauro.