This problem only happens with my progressive React web app when I run it on my iPhone 5S (iOS 12.5.2) and LG Android phone. It does this with Mobile Chrome and Mobile Safari. Everything works fine on Chrome on my Macbook Pro.
I will have the app open then switch to something else on my phone. If I go right back to it within five or six minutes, the former state is not lost. But if I wait longer, the page reloads as if localStorage has been deleted. The longer I've been away, the longer it takes to restore the app. It had been doing that progressively extending reactivation delay part for a while, but only recently it started to also completely lose what's in localStorage too.
I looked at "Website Data" before and after this happens and saw that the site has about as much data before and after.
I have tried this both with and without using a service worker but I got the same results.
The site is:
. – Muco