You can create a method like this:
public static async Task RunLimitedNumberAtATime<T>(int numberOfTasksConcurrent,
IEnumerable<T> inputList, Func<T, Task> asyncFunc)
Queue<T> inputQueue = new Queue<T>(inputList);
List<Task> runningTasks = new List<Task>(numberOfTasksConcurrent);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTasksConcurrent && inputQueue.Count > 0; i++)
while (inputQueue.Count > 0)
Task task = await Task.WhenAny(runningTasks);
await Task.WhenAll(runningTasks);
And then you can call any async method n times with a limit like this:
Task task = RunLimitedNumberAtATime(10,
Enumerable.Range(1, 100),
async x =>
Console.WriteLine($"Starting task {x}");
await Task.Delay(100);
Console.WriteLine($"Finishing task {x}");
Or if you want to run long running non async methods, you can do it that way:
Task task = RunLimitedNumberAtATime(10,
Enumerable.Range(1, 100),
x => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
Console.WriteLine($"Starting task {x}");
Console.WriteLine($"Finishing task {x}");
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning));
Maybe there is a similar method somewhere in the framework, but I didn't find it yet.
when all of the tasks are done? – Purdah