I have a map made up of rows and columns of hexagons
This isn't an actual image of the hex-map I am using, but uses the same size and shape hexagons
I need to be able to tell which one the mouse is over when the user clicks,
Each Hexagon is represented by an instance of a "Tile" class, however this doesn't hold any location specific data, or even a polygon, so basically the only way to tell where a particular hexagon is, is to know it's position in the 2D array.
I have used a square grid before, and it was relatively easy to figure out which square was selected, because pixels are also square,
// Example where each square is 10 by 10 pixels:
private void getClickedSquare(MouseEvent me)
int mouseX = me.getX(); // e.g. 25
int mouseY = me.getY(); // e.g. 70
int squareX = (int)(mouseX / 10); // in this case 2
int squareY = (int)(mouseY / 10); // in this case 7
// Then to access the tile I would do
But I'm not even sure where to start with Hexagons, does anyone have any experience?
I cannot use polygons (Java), as when I get onto moving the map around on screen, and increasing it's size I'll run into problems with updating vast amounts of polygons each frame. Although then I could just check to see if a point is included in any of the map's tile's polygons!
At the moment the hexagons displayed are just BufferedImages.
If you want to know any more information please ask, Thanks for your time :D