Currently I'm trying split up my rake files to organize them better. For this, I've added a rake
folder to my assets
dir, that holds one rake file for each group of tasks.
As I'm coming from PHP, I've only very basic knowledge of Ruby/Rake and can't get my namespaces default action running after loading the file.
The commmented out Rake :: Task ...
-string inside app:init
throws an error at the CL at me:
rake aborted! uninitialized constant TASK
Here's the namespace/class (if this is the right word).
task :default => [ 'app:init' ]
namespace :app do
rake_dir = "#{Dir.pwd}/assets/rake/"
rake_files = "#{rake_dir}*" )
desc "Loads rake modules (Default action)"
task :init do
puts "\t Importing rake files for processing"
puts "\t loading..."
rake_files.each() { |rake|
puts "\t #{rake}"
require rake
# @link
name = rake.split( rake_dir ).last.gsub( /.rb\z/, '' )
puts "\t #{name}"
#Rake :: Task[ "#{name}:default" ].invoke
Thanks in advance.
Edit: At least, I can be sure the file gets loaded, as the plain puts "file loaded"
at the beginning of those files gets echoed. The problem seems to only be that the :default
action for the namespace in the loaded rake file isn't loading.
load "file.rb"
. Then this should be the accepted answer. – Cheney