How to configure user and password for neo4j cluster without REST API
Asked Answered



The version I use is neo4j-enterprise-2.2.0-M02

My question is : How can I configure a user (like add a new user, change the password ,etc) in backend or browser, instead of REST API? Can I do it via neo4j-shell? imagine that I am a DBA, it is not very convenient to do this by REST API.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Giefer answered 25/12, 2014 at 9:30 Comment(1)
You should mark one of the answers below in order to close the question.Funnyman

You can use the browser instead of the API. Just go to http://localhost:7474 (or whatever IP to which the web console is bound) and you will be prompted to change the password. Once authenticated, use the command :server change-password to change the password again.

It is not yet possible to create multiple user accounts within the system.

You can use the command :help server to see available authentication commands.

Obsequies answered 25/12, 2014 at 21:28 Comment(4)
Thanks @subvertallchirs: Yes but I can only change password at the very first time(change from default noe4j/noe4j to new password) ,and then I cannot find where should I change it, right?Giefer
@Obsequies what happens if you forgot your password?Aeolian
@Aeolian that would be a separate question, but the answer is here for amyone looking
what are the command :something called? I failed to locate it in The Neo4j Cypher Manual v4.3Serrated

Although still utilizing the REST API, I'll throw the cURL option out there to anyone who doesn't have access to a web browser (AWS instance, for example):

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"password":"WHATEVER THE PASSWORD IS"}' -u neo4j:neo4j http://localhost:7474/user/neo4j/password
Imamate answered 22/8, 2015 at 1:58 Comment(2)
Now that's what I'm talking about. You can do this from an ssh terminal!Couturier
This is the actual answer :)Energetics

Another option is to modify the auth file directly and restart neo. Doing this, you can even change the username!


find / -name dbms

For me this gave one hit:


Save this code as



# either read from stdin or use the argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  read INPUT

if [ -z "$INPUT" ]; then
 echo "correct format <uname:pass>"

read -a UNAME_PASS <<< "$INPUT"


# representing the password in hex format like \xAB\x0C etc
# HEX_PASS=$(echo -n $PASS | xxd -p | awk '{print toupper($1);}' | sed -r 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')
HEX_PASS=$(echo -n $PASS | hexdump -v -e '"\\\x" 1/1 "%02X"')
# echo $HEX_PASS

# create the salt and store it in hex format
SALT=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-f0-9' | fold -w $SALT_LEN | head -n 1)
# SALT="28FD26AD92D6D2D8820E969F3F3732B4"
HEX_SALT=$(echo -n $SALT | sed -r 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')

# calculate the sha256 sum of the salt and password value
# need to split the output because the output ends with a hyphen
IFS=' '
read -a PASSWORD_HASH_ARRAY <<< $(printf $HEX_SALT$HEX_PASS | sha256sum)

# echo "$UNAME;$PASS;$SALT"

# and print out the auth string
COMBINED=$(echo -n "$PASSWORD_HASH,$SALT" | awk '{print toupper($1);}')
echo "$UNAME:SHA-256,$COMBINED:"


The code for the above came from - im posting it here just encase..

And then just run the above script like myUsername:myP@ssw0rd

Copy/paste that into your auth file replacing whatever was there before, and restart neo4j :)

Nightstick answered 13/7, 2015 at 22:50 Comment(0)

A fresh install of Neo4j 2.2.x has a user 'neo4j', with an initial password 'neo4j'. You are required to change the password before you can do anything.

It's easy to do this from the command line, by calling httpie to interact with the REST API. For example, to set a new password of 'foobar', run this command:

http -a neo4j:neo4j POST http://localhost:7474/user/neo4j/password password=foobar
Hubblebubble answered 18/8, 2015 at 8:19 Comment(0)

If you want to reset the password and you dont know the old password : then for Windows user go to this path:


and delete that auth file. Restart the neo4j they will again ask to set the username and password!! by default username:neo4j password:neo4j

Dislocate answered 29/5, 2018 at 10:36 Comment(0)

Currently it's not possible to configure authorization using neo4j-shell. As you've mentioned the REST API is the way to go. Using a convenient REST client this is very easy.

My tools of choice is either postman (a plugin for chrome browser) or httpie for the command line. E.g. with httpie changing the password for a user is as simple as:

 http localhost:7474/user/neo4j/password password=neo4j new_password=mypass

Be aware that password (and other authorization settings) are not automatically distributed in a cluster, see the manual how to copy over settings between instances.

Ferrate answered 25/12, 2014 at 10:13 Comment(2)
OK I see, Thank you Stefan, again!Giefer
Please be aware that 2.2.0-M02 is a milestone release, intended for testing out some of the features and getting feedback. The way auth works may change before the 2.2.0 release.Duralumin

For Mac users, version 2.3.1 of Neo4J, best way to reset credentials is to remove the file with credential information and start the service again.

Steps to follow

  1. Find where the file that contains credentials is located from the browser console (localhost:7474). Go to Star (Favourites)->System->Server configuration
  2. Search for property to see where it points to. In my case it was /Users/felipe/Documents/Neo4j/default.graphdb/./dbms/auth
  3. Delete that file.
  4. Start the service again and go to the console again (localhost:7474).

By default you will be asked to set the password for the user neo4j.

I hope it helps.

Godchild answered 18/1, 2016 at 10:53 Comment(0)

To elaborate on felipe's response (since I do not have enough rep points to comment): I stopped the server, I deleted the auth files in BOTH:

  • DBROOT\data\auth
  • DBROOT\dbms\auth

Restarted the server, and connected to it via the localhost:7474, used the default username/password (neo4j/neo4j) and then it prompted me for a new password.

Vaasa answered 21/11, 2016 at 0:7 Comment(0)

On Neo4j 4.0+, you can run:

$ cypher-shell

If it's the first time you connect, you can enter neo4j as user and password and you will be prompted to set a new password.

If you want to change the password afterwards, you can write in the Cypher shell:

:server change-password
Blanketyblank answered 27/9, 2021 at 10:26 Comment(0)

Note, I'm using neo4jDesktop for WIndows. As other answers suggest, I tried :server change-password command, but it didn't work.

:server change-password prompts me for existing password and new password. I don't know the existing password, I thought it would be the default neo4j, but that value didn't work (does anyone know why?1)

I was able to use the Neo4J browser (in which I was already authenticated?) and run the below ALTER USER command. Note it does not ask for my current password. (It will error if you provide a new password that is <8 characters long). This command is described on the neo4j website for password recovery for admins

ALTER USER neo4j SET PASSWORD 'neo4j-password'

Note I did not disable authentication in order to run the above command, as suggested on the neo4j site (which they recommend you undo afterwards, see "post-recovery")

I know this answer is many years late, but I don't see another answer like it; I'm posting this here in case it helps other people like me, (i.e. if you don't know the current password)

1 Why was my default password neo4j not working? Maybe I missed the step in Neo4j Desktop installation which prompts me to choose a new/non-default password?

screenshot of neo4j browser, :server change-password command did not work because I didn't get existing password correct. ALTER USER command works, it does not ask me for existing password

Goodhumored answered 15/5, 2023 at 19:9 Comment(0)

If you remember the old password, you can do the following by visiting http://localhost:7474/browser/:

:server change-password

If not and you are authenticated, run the following command:

ALTER USER neo4j SET PASSWORD 'New-Passowrd'
Petry answered 27/6, 2024 at 19:57 Comment(0)

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