What version of Windows are you running ? Is it 32 or 64 bit ?
Is your Oracle Instant Client 32 or 64 bit ?
Is your Python installation 32 or 64 bit ?
Is your cx_oracle the correct version ? 32 or 64 bit ?
MSVCR90.dll is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable package.
32 bit version available here , 64 bit version available here.
IESHIMS.dll will be located in C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Ieshims.dll
(32 bit Windows location or 64 bit Windows Location) or C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer (x86)\Ieshims.dll` (32 bit Windows Location on 64 bit Windows) , if your version of Windows is Vista or newer.
GPSVC.dll should live in C:\Windows\System32
Dependency Walker reports these last 2 DLLs as missing because there are used by Windows Error Reporting which use IEFrame.DLL and are delay loaded, which means they may never actually be needed.
I found that in order to get cx_oracle to import cleanly, you need to ensure that the versions of its dependencies match. You also need to ensure that the Oracle client installation matches your ORACLE_HOME
and your PATH variable contains %ORACLE_HOME%/bin
, which is set as an Environment variable or in the registry, and that your tnsnames.ora file lives in the value TNS_ADMIN is set to. As stated in Emmanuel's answer, the default value for an unset TNS_ADMIN setting is %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin
I also rarely used the instant client version of the oracle installer unless absolutely necessary because unlike the other versions it doesn't set always ensure are set or maintained Path, ORACLE_HOME or TNS_ADMIN correctly, which lead to tnsnames.ora and OCI.dll not being found. This gets more complicated when you have multiple Python versions or Oracle versions on the same machine.
To explicit set them you can use Environment Variables (either User or System) , which live in the Control Panel under the System Icon, Advanced system settings task, Advanced Tab, Environment button.
Regarding InterfaceError: Unable to acquire Oracle environment handle
, this occurs specifically when opposed to not resolving OCI.dll , cx_Oracle doesn't know which OCI.dll to use, normally this is the case because of the PATH variable containing two or more search directories that contain OCI.dll.
Specifically ensuring your PATH only contains one instant of OCI.dll either from the instant client installation or the Oracle 11G XE instllation should fix your problem.
Did you uninstall the instant client before installing Oracle 11G XE ?
Paste the following in a Command Prompt.
echo The current ORACLE_HOME is %ORACLE_HOME%
echo The current TNS_ADMIN is %TNS_ADMIN%
echo The current PATH is %PATH%
To see the current value of these variables.
Further resources