I have multiple tests and each test is testing the same asynchronous method for different results with given parameters.
I found out for asynchronous tests we have to declare an expectation, wait for expectation, and fulfil the expectation. This is fine. Each test works out correctly when done separately, but when I try to run the whole test class some tests pass and others crash or fail when they run and pass normally.
I've looked all over online for "swift 3 multiple tests with expectation" and everyone who explains expectation only ever has an example in one test method. Is it not possible to have expectations in multiple methods in the same class?
An example of a test is as follows:
func testLoginWrongUsernameOrPasswordFailure() {
let viewModel = LoginViewModel()
let loginAPI = APIManager()
let expect = expectation(description: "testing for incorrect credentials")
viewModel.loginWith(username: "qwerty", password: "qwerty", completion: { loginCompletion in
do {
try loginCompletion()
XCTFail("Wrong Login didn't error")
} catch let error {
XCTAssertEqual(error as? LoginError, LoginError.wrongCredentials)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 10) { error in
As far as I'm aware, this is the correct use of expectation and each test follows the same pattern
As requested by Rob I will provide an MCVE here https://bitbucket.org/chirone/mcve_test The test classes use a mock API Manager but when I was testing with the real one the errors still occurred.
As an explanation for the code, the view-model communicates with a given API manager who invokes a server and gives back the response to the view-model for him to interpret the errors or success.
The first test tests for empty fields, something that the view-model validates rather than the APIManager. The second test tests for incorrect username and password The third test tests for valid username and password
The three tests run separately will run fine, however when the whole file is run I will get a SIGABRT error with the following reasons:
XCTAssertEqual failed: ("Optional(MCVE.LoginError.wrongCredentials)") is not equal to ("Optional(MCVE.LoginError.emptyFields)") -
*** Assertion failure in -[XCTestExpectation fulfill], /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/XCTest_Sim/XCTest-12124/Sources/XCTestFramework/Async/XCTestExpectation.m:101
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'API violation - multiple calls made to -[XCTestExpectation fulfill] for testing for empty fields.'
The SIGABRT happens usually on the second test method and if you hit play then it fails on one of the XCTest methods claiming the error it got is not the error it was expecting.
I hope the MCVE helps explain my problem.
method or are you using the term more generally (i.e. you calltestLoginWrongUsername
at the beginning of the test, itself, not fromsetUp
)? – Torquesstatic
variables (which is why we try to avoid them), not the fact that they happen to be asynchronous. – Torques