I have a textview as like the following:
txtByRegistering.setText("By Registering you agree to terms and condition and privacy policy");
It is just a big text. So, I used marquee to scroll the text horizontally. that works fine. My Question is, How to invoke the click event while clicking the selected scrolling text .
Say for ex :
- when user click the word "Registering" in the above textview, I have to invoke the new Intent.
- When the user click on the word
, I have to invoke another new Intent (An Activity with webview as Terms hasURL Link
As the word "Registering" and "Terms" are Web URLs, I tried something like below :
String mRegDesc = "By registering you agree to the " + "<a href=\""
+ Constant.URL + "/terms_and_conditions"
+ "\">Terms of Use</a> " + "and " + "<a href=\"" + Constant.URL
+ "/privacy" + "\">Privacy Policy</a> ";
txtByRegistering.setTypeface(mTyFaceOverLockReg, Typeface.BOLD);
The above code works fine and it brings me to the browser when i click the word "Terms" But i wish to go to new Activity.
, see my answer on #20989405 – PurulentClickableSpan
for a SingleSpannableString
? Would you please more elaborate? And SpannableString supports the API level 8? – Responsory