Just adding another option I do not see listed here, which is the one I was recommended using:
Html minifier command line tool
here and here
There is an issue, however, with this tool: it leaves single line (//) comments, and it causes problems for Razor parsing, since a single line comment placed within a C# block like the following:
// anything
will cause the minification output rest of the line, from this point on, to be ignored by the Razor parser, which will thus raise an error stating there it could not find the closing "}" for the block.
My workaround for this issue was to completely removing these comments from the output.
This way it works.
To do that, simply remove the RegexOptions.SingleLine from line 145:
htmlContents = Regex.Replace(htmlContents, @"//(.*?)\r?\n", ""/*, RegexOptions.Singleline*/);