I am trying to add some extra fields to registrations#new. Since I only want extra data and do not need different functionality, I don't see why I need to override controllers etc. So what I did was modify registrations#new as follows:
Sign up
= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: registration_path(resource_name)) do ||f
= devise_error_messages!
= f.label :email
= f.email_field :email, autofocus: true
= f.label :title_id
= f.text_field :title_id
= f.label :province_id
= f.text_field :province_id
= f.label :first_name
= f.text_field :first_name
= f.label :last_name
= f.text_field :last_name
= f.label :password
= f.password_field :password
= f.label :password_confirmation
= f.password_field :password_confirmation
%div= f.submit 'Sign up'
= render 'devise/shared/links'
To enable these extra fields through the sanitizer, I updated ApplicationController as follows:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
before_filter :store_requested_url!
# before_filter :authenticate_user!
def configure_permitted_parameters
devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_in) { |u| u.permit(:email) }
devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) { |u| u.permit(:email, :password, :password_confirmation, :title_id, :province_id, :first_name, :last_name) }
devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:account_update) { |u| u.permit(:email, :password, :password_confirmation, :current_password) }
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
session[:requested_url] || root_path
def store_requested_url
# store last url as long as it isn't a /users path
session[:previous_url] = request.fullpath unless request.fullpath == /\/users/
For some reason, it is not working and the extra fields go to the database as nulls.
I am using Ruby 2 and Rails 4 rc1, with Devise 3.0.0.rc.