How to get the last part of the current URL without the /
sign, dynamically?
For example:
get bar
get fun
Where to put the function or how to implement this in the current view?
How to get the last part of the current URL without the /
sign, dynamically?
For example:
get bar
get fun
Where to put the function or how to implement this in the current view?
Of course there is always the Laravel way:
You can use Laravel's helper function last
. Like so:
This is how I did it:
{{ collect(request()->segments())->last() }}
Use basename()
along with Request::path()
You should be able to call that from anywhere in your code since request()
is a global helper function in Laravel and basename()
is a standard PHP function which is also available globally.
The Route object is the source of the information you want. There are a few ways that you can get the information and most of them involve passing something to your view. I strongly suggest not doing the work within the blade as this is what controller actions are for.
Passing a value to the blade
The easiest way is to make the last part of the route a parameter and pass that value to the view.
// app/Http/routes.php
Route::get('/test/{uri_tail}', function ($uri_tail) {
return view('example')->with('uri_tail', $uri_tail);
// resources/views/example.blade.php
The last part of the route URI is <b>{{ $uri_tail }}</b>.
Avoiding route parameters requires a little more work.
// app/Http/routes.php
Route::get('/test/uri-tail', function (Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
$route = $request->route();
$uri_path = $route->getPath();
$uri_parts = explode('/', $uri_path);
$uri_tail = end($uri_parts);
return view('example2')->with('uri_tail', $uri_tail);
// resources/views/example2.blade.php
The last part of the route URI is <b>{{ $uri_tail }}</b>.
Doing it all in the blade using the request helper.
// app/Http/routes.php
Route::get('/test/uri-tail', function () {
return view('example3');
// resources/views/example3.blade.php
The last part of the route URI is <b>{{ array_slice(explode('/', request()->route()->getPath()), -1, 1) }}</b>.
Try request()->segment($number)
it should give you a segment of the URL.
In your example, it should probably be request()->segment(2)
or request()->segment(3)
based on the number of segments the URL has.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL;
echo basename(URL::current());
It was useful for me:
get -> news
I just had the same question. In the meantime Laravel 8. I have summarised all the possibilities I know.
You can test it in your web route:
http(s):// || baz
http(s):// || baz
Route::get('/foo/{lastPart}', function(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request, $lastPart) {
'q' => request()->segment(count(request()->segments())),
'b' => collect(request()->segments())->last(),
'c' => basename(request()->path()),
'd' => substr( strrchr(request()->path(), '/'), 1),
'e' => $lastPart,
)->where('lastPart', 'foo,baz'); // the condition is only to limit
I prefer the variant e).
As @Qevo had already written in his answer. You simply make the last part part of the request. To narrow it down you can put the WHERE condition at the route.
Try with:
{{ array_pop(explode('/',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) }}
It should work well.
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