I actually like your third solution, only, I would make it a generic solution for all ModelBinders, by putting it in a custom binder that inherits from DefaultModelBinder
and is configured to be the default model binder for your MVC application.
Then you would make this new DefaultModelBinder
automatically bind any property that is decorated with a PropertyBinder
attribute, using the type supplied in the parameter.
I got the idea from this excellent article: http://aboutcode.net/2011/03/12/mvc-property-binder.html.
I'll also show you my take on the solution:
My DefaultModelBinder
namespace MyApp.Web.Mvc
public class DefaultModelBinder : System.Web.Mvc.DefaultModelBinder
protected override void BindProperty(
ControllerContext controllerContext,
ModelBindingContext bindingContext,
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor)
var propertyBinderAttribute = TryFindPropertyBinderAttribute(propertyDescriptor);
if (propertyBinderAttribute != null)
var binder = CreateBinder(propertyBinderAttribute);
var value = binder.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext, propertyDescriptor);
propertyDescriptor.SetValue(bindingContext.Model, value);
else // revert to the default behavior.
base.BindProperty(controllerContext, bindingContext, propertyDescriptor);
IPropertyBinder CreateBinder(PropertyBinderAttribute propertyBinderAttribute)
return (IPropertyBinder)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(propertyBinderAttribute.BinderType);
PropertyBinderAttribute TryFindPropertyBinderAttribute(PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor)
return propertyDescriptor.Attributes
My IPropertyBinder
namespace MyApp.Web.Mvc
interface IPropertyBinder
object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, MemberDescriptor memberDescriptor);
My PropertyBinderAttribute
namespace MyApp.Web.Mvc
public class PropertyBinderAttribute : Attribute
public PropertyBinderAttribute(Type binderType)
BinderType = binderType;
public Type BinderType { get; private set; }
An example of a property binder:
namespace MyApp.Web.Mvc.PropertyBinders
public class TimeSpanBinder : IPropertyBinder
readonly HttpContextBase _httpContext;
public TimeSpanBinder(HttpContextBase httpContext)
_httpContext = httpContext;
public object BindModel(
ControllerContext controllerContext,
ModelBindingContext bindingContext,
MemberDescriptor memberDescriptor)
var timeString = _httpContext.Request.Form[memberDescriptor.Name].ToLower();
var timeParts = timeString.Replace("am", "").Replace("pm", "").Trim().Split(':');
new TimeSpan(
int.Parse(timeParts[0]) + (timeString.Contains("pm") ? 12 : 0),
Example of the above property binder being used:
namespace MyApp.Web.Models
public class MyModel
public TimeSpan InspectionDate { get; set; }
. See my answer for details. – Wattage