Use helm
install can set value when install a chart like:
helm install --set favoriteDrink=slurm ./mychart
Now want to set value like:
helm install --set aws.subnets="subnet-123456, subnet-654321" ./mychart
But failed:
Error: failed parsing --set data: key " subnet-654321" has no value
It seems that helm
's --set
know comma ,
and check the next string as a key. So can't use in this case when set such string?
Tested this way
helm install charts/mychart \
--set aws.subnets={subnet-123456,subnet-654321}
Got error:
Error: This command needs 1 argument: chart name
This way works
helm install charts/mychart \
--set aws.subnets="subnet-123456\,subnet-654321"