I'm running the following code on a JDK Version 1.7.0_60:
System.out.println(Math.pow(1.5476348320352065, (0.3333333333333333)));
The result is: 1.1567055833133086
I'm running exactly the same code on a JDK Version 1.7.0.
The result is: 1.1567055833133089
I understand that double is not infinitely precise, but was there a change in the java spec that causes the difference?
PS: Because we use a legacy system, Big Decimal is not an option.
Edit: I was able to track down the time of the change: It was introduced in the JDK Version 1.7.0_40 (as compared to Version 1.7.0_25).
not be sufficient? That gives you 18 orders of magnitude to play with, and will be much cheaper than BigDecimal. – Ewart