For empty field you can check for empty values which is zero value which is not nil in case of struct.
When storage is allocated for a variable, either through a declaration
or a call of new, or when a new value is created, either through a
composite literal or a call of make, and no explicit initialization is
provided, the variable or value is given a default value. Each element
of such a variable or value is set to the zero value for its type:
false for booleans, 0 for numeric types, "" for strings, and nil for
pointers, functions, interfaces, slices, channels, and maps.
In your case are using the Struct not a pointer to struct. The value is not nil it is empty though
var user User
fmt.Println(user == User{}) // will print true
But since in your case the returned value is pointer to struct *User, error
you can check for nil
var user *User
fmt.Println(user == nil) // will print true
Create struct field that is a pointer.
testCases := []struct {
name string
testUserID uint
expected *User // <- maybe nil
expectedError error
a struct or interface. Please post more code information. – Isopropanolexpected
a pointer? – Viridi