kubectl: get specific value from a secret in plaintext
Asked Answered



I want to get the value of a specific field of a secret in a shell script.

From the kubectl get secret documentation, it seems the standard way to get a secret returns the whole thing, in a specified format, with the values base64 encoded.

So, to get the bar field of the foo secret, output as an unencoded string, I'm doing this:

kubectl get secret foo -o json | jq -r ".data.bar" | base64 --decode

That is

  • get the whole foo secret as JSON
  • pipe to jq to read the bar field from the JSON
  • decode the value using base64

Is there a way to do this only using kubectl?

Or an elegant way in POSIX-compliant shell that doesn't rely on any dependencies like jq?

Lusatia answered 6/8, 2019 at 15:10 Comment(7)
Try this kubectl get secret foo --template={{.data.bar}} | base64 --decode no need of jqSometime
I don't know of any way to decode base64 using kubectl's internal mechanisms, but to get specific field from the secret, you can use jsonpath output: kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/jsonpath - You can pipe/combine the output with one of the methods here, to avoid base64 command dependency as well: #47800645Somnambulation
You can try using sed kubectl get secret foo | sed 's/^.*bar: \(.*\).*$/\1/' | base64 -dPlatinous
These are all very helpful options, thanks! Please post them as answers so I can upvote!Lusatia
$ kubectl get secret foo -o=jsonpath='{.data.bar}' | base64 -d but still need to pipe to base64 to decode.Holly
I think is nothing better can @Sometime answer,Potbellied
Let me put it as answer.Sometime

Try this

kubectl get secret foo --template={{.data.bar}} | base64 --decode

No need of jq.

Sometime answered 6/8, 2019 at 16:48 Comment(2)
It doesn't work now, if there's a hyphen in the name.Apathetic
@Searge, you can use the index function: kubectl get secrets foo --template='{{index .data "bar-bar"}}' | base64 --decodeEthiop

In cases when key contains dots:

apiVersion: v1
  name: foo
  bar.baz: RnVja2VkIFVwIEJleW9uZCBBbGwgUmVjb2duaXRpb24=

the syntax would be:

kubectl get secret foo -o jsonpath="{.data['bar\.baz']}" | base64 -d

Chastity answered 15/1, 2022 at 11:26 Comment(0)
kubectl get secret foo -o jsonpath={.data.bar} | base64 --decode


Cassidycassie answered 3/12, 2020 at 8:55 Comment(2)
This approach works for me even when the path contains a hyphen. Using --template doesn't (at least, not without some level of escaping it, which, well, escaped me)Akan
Just added a new answer showing the escaping for decoding secrets from hyphenated paths/keys directly from kubectl without needing to pipe to an external base64 executable.Brahmin

You can try the following command, it will decode all the values in the secret.

kubectl get secret <secret-name> -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'
Nathannathanael answered 22/6, 2022 at 5:9 Comment(1)
The best answer!Chickasaw

This should work since Kubernetes 1.11 (see PR 60755):

kubectl get secret foo -o go-template='{{ .data.bar | base64decode }}'

Muss answered 12/10, 2019 at 15:7 Comment(0)

For a hyphenated key, here's the escaping trick to get the decoded value directly from kubectl:

kubectl get secret foo -o go-template='{{ index .data \"bar-baz\" | base64decode }}'

(Tested with kubectl 1.21.5)

Brahmin answered 28/3, 2022 at 19:53 Comment(1)
Question stipulates, “Is there a way to do this only using kubectl?” and besides actually answering the question, this answer deals correctly with the case of the secret key having a dot or dash. This should be the accepted answer.Paramagnetism

For those of you guys coming here via Google and want to do it from PowerShell, where base64 ist not available, use the following:

[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($(kubectl get secret foo -o jsonpath='{.data.bar}')))
Emotional answered 9/6, 2022 at 8:58 Comment(0)

As a combination from all of the above which works for a single entry containing - without additional tooling:


kubectl get secret foo --template='{{ index .data "bar-baz" | base64decode }}'

powershell needs escaping:

kubectl get secret foo --template='{{ index .data `"bar-baz`" | base64decode }}'

If you want to have a reusable manifest file, you can convert data to stringData with the help of jq and yq

kubectl get secret foo -o json | jq -r 'del(.data) * {"stringData": .data|map_values(@base64d)}' | yq -p=json

or even without jq:

kubectl get secret foo -o yaml | yq '. * {"stringData": .data|map_values(@base64d)}|del(.data)'

the result can be edited and directly applied with kubectl apply. Be careful when you mix string with binary-data.

Rhodonite answered 3/4, 2024 at 14:25 Comment(0)

Here is a comprehensive bash solution:

kubereadsecret() {
keyname="{.data['$(echo $dataname | sed 's/[.]/\./g')']}"
kubectl get secret $secretname -o jsonpath=$keyname $* | base64 --decode

Martinsen answered 21/4, 2023 at 21:13 Comment(0)

An alternative approach using jq to get all decoded values of a secret:

kubectl get -o json secret/${secret_name} | jq -r '.data | to_entries[] | [.key, (.value | @base64d)] | @csv'
Perak answered 5/1, 2024 at 18:10 Comment(0)

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