I just ran into the same problem today - not on mobile, but with a window sized small on first page load. When the page loads, the chart is hidden, then after some selections on the page, we create the chart. We have set a min-width and max-width for the container in css, but not a width.
When the chart is being created, it needs to determine the dimensions to create the SVG . Since the chart is hidden, it cant get the dimensions properly so the code clones the chart container, positions it off-screen and appends it to the body so that it can determine the height/width.
Since the width is not set, the cloned div tries to take as much space as it can - up to the max-width that I had set. The SVG elements are created using that width, but added to the chart container div which currently is smaller (based on the size of the screen). The result is that the chart extends past the container div's boundaries.
After the chart has rendered the first time, the on-screen dimensions are known and the clone function is not called. This means that any window resizes, or reloading of the chart data cause the chart to size correctly.
I got around this initial-load problem by overriding the Highcharts function cloneRenderTo
which clones the div to get dimensions:
(function (H) {
// encapsulated variables
var ABSOLUTE = 'absolute';
* override cloneRenderTo to get the first chart display to fit in a smaller container based on the viewport size
H.Chart.prototype.cloneRenderTo = function (revert) {
var clone = this.renderToClone,
container = this.container;
// Destroy the clone and bring the container back to the real renderTo div
if (revert) {
if (clone) {
delete this.renderToClone;
// Set up the clone
} else {
if (container && container.parentNode === this.renderTo) {
this.renderTo.removeChild(container); // do not clone this
this.renderToClone = clone = this.renderTo.cloneNode(0);
H.css(clone, {
position: ABSOLUTE,
top: '-9999px',
display: 'block' // #833
if (clone.style.setProperty) { // #2631
clone.style.setProperty('display', 'block', 'important');
//SA: constrain cloned element to width of parent element
if (clone.clientWidth > this.renderTo.parentElement.clientWidth){
clone.style.width = '' + this.renderTo.parentElement.clientWidth + 'px';
if (container) {
I saved this function in a separate script file that loads after the Highchart.js script has loaded.