Another option is collapse::fmean
, which defaults to column-wise means on matrices and na.rm = TRUE
fmean(rbind(a, b))
#[1] 1 4 5 6
Vectors a
and b
(length = 4):
collapse = fmean(rbind(a, b)),
rowMeans = rowMeans(cbind(a, b), na.rm=TRUE),
colMeans = colMeans(rbind(a, b), na.rm=TRUE),
purrr = purrr::map2_dbl(a,b, ~mean(c(.x,.y), na.rm=T)),
apply = apply(rbind(a,b),2,mean,na.rm = TRUE)
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# collapse 6.501 7.9020 10.72705 9.7010 10.8010 56.101 100
# rowMeans 4.601 6.0505 9.21504 7.8010 9.4515 28.102 100
# colMeans 4.700 5.7010 7.76410 6.8515 8.2015 27.301 100
# purrr 94.101 104.4505 140.36694 108.8010 121.9510 2120.901 100
# apply 50.301 55.1010 65.37305 59.9005 65.6510 156.700 100
Large vectors (size 1e6):
a = sample(1e6)
b = sample(1e6)
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# collapse 8.384401 9.621752 13.02568 10.160101 18.83060 34.2746 100
# rowMeans 18.504201 21.513251 27.88083 23.509051 31.28925 94.2124 100
# colMeans 8.117601 9.344551 12.69392 9.897702 12.50430 54.1703 100
na.rm = 1
, and that solves my problem. Thx. – Unsay