I have an ivy.xml
<dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.4"/>
<dependency org="foo-bar" name="superwidgets" rev="1.5"/>
The whole superwidget stuff is hosted in a maven repository at http://example.com/m2/. The ivy documentation mentions resolvers, but it seems to assume an ivy repository. How can I add a single unofficial maven repository to my ivy settings to be used only by a single module? (Or put another way, what corresponds to maven's <repository>
tag in ivy?) Nothing fancy, so I'd expect a one-liner in my ivy.xml.
<ibiblio name="tmatesoft-releases" m2compatible="true" root="http://maven.tmatesoft.com/content/repositories/releases/"/>
and gotunknown resolver main
andunknown resolver public
– Wellheeled