Armin's answer is so useful, thank you. #2 is what's most important to know when trying to set up unload events that work in most browsers: you cannot alert() or confirm(), but returning a string will generate a confirm modal.
But I found that even with just returning a string, I had some cross-browser issues specific to Mootools (using version 1.4.5 in this instance). This Mootools-specific implementation worked great in Firefox, but did not result in a confirm popup in Chrome or Safari:
window.addEvent("beforeunload", function() {
return "Are you sure you want to leave this page?";
So in order to get my onbeforeonload event to work across browsers, I had to use the JavaScript native call:
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return "Are you sure you want to leave this page?";
Not sure why this is the case, or if it's been fixed in later versions of Mootools.
in anunload
event handler, the console tells me "Blocked alert('something') during unload.". But if you do what Pointy has already mentioned, the call toMyMethod
should work. – Lythraceous